"Are You Tired of Buying PLR and Struggling to Use It? Do You Want to Monetize Your Content and Even Sell Your Own PLR?" 

Then Read On to Discover How to Become a PLR Expert and Build an Online Business Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

50 Exclusive, Expertly Written 'How to Use PLR' Articles! 
(With Private Label Rights)

Get Instant Access ▹

Hello friend!

If you're a PLR buyer/user and you've been constantly wondering how to make money with your PLR content, this page has your name written all over it - in invisible ink, of course.

Here's what no one is telling you - Most people who buy PLR (and even some of those who sell it) are clueless about how to monetize their PLR content.

Does this scenario sound familiar?

You've bought a ton of PLR and you've not recouped your investments. You only keep spending instead of earning.

Making money with private label rights content is like a mystery you just can't seem to solve - an elusive PLR code that can't be deciphered.

They keep telling you to "Slap your name on the 'Biz-in-a-box' PLR and sell it as your own, and keep 100% of the profits!"

And you've slapped your name on everything from the PLR to the neighbor's cat - but you've not made a cent online... and you don't even have a box to show for it, much less a business.

You thought it was going to be easy...

But now your computer's hard drive has become a PLR cemetery and you're its only visitor, haunted by the promises of online riches and the ghosts of your lost investments.

Here's what you need to know - You are NOT alone and it's NOT your fault!

It really isn't... and I'll tell you why...

Time for a true story...

A few days ago, I was loitering on Facebook and came across a poll conducted by a friend and fellow PLR seller, Rachel Youngson...

From the screenshot above, you can see that several people were looking for PLR training and also PLR content on 'How to use PLR'.

And this is just a small group poll...

If you take all PLR buyers into account, there is a massive market desperate for this information.

I'd know. I keep getting emails from them... and they're always the same questions.

Have You Asked Yourself Any of These Questions?

  • How do I set up my 'Biz-in-a-box' PLR?
  • What do the PLR rights mean?
  • How do I make money with my PLR articles?
  • Is PLR legal and ethical?
  • How do I make my PLR unique?
  • Will my PLR articles get ranked?
  • How do I sell my own PLR?
  • Does anyone actually make money with PLR?
  • Is all PLR crappy?
  • Should I set up a PLR store?

And the questions go on and on and on...

After seeing Rachel Youngson's poll, I realized that tons of PLR buyers needed help.

So, I turned off Snowpiercer on Netflix, told Jennifer Connelly to wait for me... and started working on this fantastic product - PLR On PLR: From Beginner To Pro.

I narrowed down the PLR training to 5 highly relevant sub-topics:

    • PLR 101: Mastering the Fundamentals
    • Personalizing and Rebranding Your PLR
    • Monetizing Your PLR
    • Advanced PLR Strategies
    • Selling Your Own PLR

Initially, I planned on writing 35 articles. But after doing some research, I decided that 50 articles would truly do the product justice.

I did not want to hold anything back because you deserve nothing but the best!

Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Better... IT DOES!

You may be wondering, "But Arun, is this 'PLR training' or is it a private label rights package?!!"

Both, my friend. It's BOTH!

These 50 articles come with private label rights. (Ahem... so you could slap your name on them and make them your own.)

This is PLR On 'How to Use PLR' - It is Training and a Private Label Rights Package All Rolled Into One!

The PLR niche is one of the hottest sub-niches in the 'make money online' space.

Every single day, thousands of dollars are spent on PLR and marketers just can't get enough of it- even if most are clueless about what to do with their PLR content.

Making money with PLR is definitely possible - but only if you know how.

And this is a hungry crowd that wants to know how...

And They Are Looking To YOU For Answers!

This is an opportunity for you to not only use this training to become a PLR expert yourself...

But to also help other marketers understand how to use PLR effectively...

While you earn commissions by pointing them to reliable PLR products/related services that will help them in their journey.

After all... you do need to be rewarded for your efforts too!

"Well thanks, Arun 'Mother Teresa' Chandran... but can you get to the point??!"

My point is this - The PLR marketing niche is one of the HOTTEST internet marketing sub-niches online...

And you need to tap into it ASAP!

"But Arun... Who is This PLR For?"

  • If you're a beginner and only have a basic understanding of PLR...
  • If you're looking for ways to personalize and rebrand your PLR content...
  • If you're looking for more income-generating PLR ideas...
  • If you've always wanted to be a PLR seller but don't know where to start...
  • Are you a PLR seller who needs excellent content to educate and sell to your audience?

This PLR Package Was Made For YOU!

And You Are The Reason Why I Created...

50 'PLR On PLR: From Beginner To Pro' Articles

Build Authority, Provide Excellent Value, Gain Trust & Convert Your Readers Into Buyers and Make Affiliate Commissions!

  • Understanding the Different Types of PLR Rights (877 words)
  • Will Using PLR Make Google Penalize My Site for Duplicate Content? (602 words)
  • PLR License Terms: Making Sense of It All (993 words)
  • 4 Precautions to Take When Using PLR (926 words)
  • Is There Any Use for Resell Rights and Master Resell Rights Products? (725 words)
  • 5 Questions to Ask Before Buying any PLR (575 words)
  • Not All PLR is Made Equal... and Here's Why! (918 words)
  • Is Hiring a Ghostwriter Better Than Using PLR? (751 words)
  • Discover the Most Important Skill You Must Have to Make Money with PLR (813 words)
  • 5 Common PLR Misconceptions Dispelled (843 words)
  • How To Rebrand Your 'Biz in a Box' PLR (606 words)
  • Do You Need to Rewrite Your PLR Content? (560 words)
  • 3 Ways to Make Your PLR Content More Engaging (774 words)
  • Does Your PLR Have a Voice? (702 words)
  • Discover Why Rebranding Your PLR is so Important! (670 words)
  • How to Rebrand Your PLR So it Stands Out (1,078 words)
  • What to Look Out for When Rewriting Your PLR (536 words)
  • Important: Change These Components When Rebranding Your PLR (749 words)
  • Turning Your PLR Into Infotainment That Hooks the Masses (883 words)
  • Common Difficulties Beginners Face When Rebranding Their PLR (962 words)
  • 5 Ways to Turn Your PLR Articles Into Money Content (931 words)
  • Membership Sites Have Never Been Easier with PLR (600 words)
  • Building a Funnel with Your PLR (834 words)
  • Discover Why Most PLR Tips Do NOT Work! (852 words)
  • 4 Indirect Ways to Boost Your Income with PLR (703 words)
  • Revealed: 3 Crucial Components for PLR Monetization (662 words)
  • Different Types of PLR and How You Can Monetize Them (695 words)
  • PLR Income Generating Possibilities are Endless - But Only if You Understand Why (644 words)
  • Avoid Making this Common PLR Monetization Mistake! (777 words)
  • What You Really Need to Make Money with Your PLR (707 words)
  • Repurposing Your PLR to Create New Content (755 words)
  • Can PLR Be Used for Kindle Publishing? (677 words)
  • Discover the Power of Video Marketing with PLR (813 words)
  • Private Blog Networks and PLR: A Potent Combination (712 words)
  • SEO Tips for Ranking Your PLR Content (572 words)
  • How to Not Settle for a 400-Word PLR Blog Post (707 words)
  • 4 Ways to Circumnavigate PLR Limitations (824 words)
  • Profitable PLR Shortcuts You Can Take to Build Your Business (812 words)
  • How to Get Maximum Mileage from Your PLR (560 words)
  • Add Multiple Buy Buttons to Your PLR With This Technique (772 words)
  • PLR Store VS PLR Launches: Which is Better? (702 words)
  • Should You Write Your Own PLR or Outsource It? (865 words)
  • Revealed: The Truth about the PLR Scene (872 words)
  • How to Turn Your PLR Business Into a Passive Income Stream (1080 words)
  • What PLR are Buyers Looking For? (629 words)
  • 5 Skills You Will Need to Build a Successful PLR Business (1050 words)
  • Launching Your Own PLR? - Read This First! (1171 words)
  • How to Promote PLR as an Affiliate (861 words)
  • Discover the Secrets to Boost Your PLR Sales (1080 words)
  • Pricing Your PLR: What No One is Telling You (984 words)
Get Instant Access ▹

Comes Complete With Private Label Rights!

"That Looks Great... But... Er... Can I Trust You?"

GASP! Did you just question my credibility?!!!

Argh! Unbelievable! I expected you to have already bought the product by now... and here you are, doubting me.

But it's ok. I understand. You need proof. OK, Captain Skeptical... here goes.

Let me throw in some stats from my previous PLR launches...

From the pic above, you can see that I've sold thousands of my own PLR products...

And thousands more as an affiliate for other PLR vendors.

I didn't post this screenshot to brag. I posted it to show you that I know the PLR scene like the back of my hand... and also to brag.

I'm one of the most popular PLR sellers online and definitely the coolest. No questions here. (Bragging escalates...)

Not only do I have 3 PLR stores (Reseller PLR, Extremely Limited PLR & Flaming Hot PLR), but I've written content for other PLR sellers like Rick Warid, Huw Hughes and Val Wilson, too.

My ClickBank PLR reviews are used by voiceover artist, Steve Chase, to make his own PLR videos. I'm everywhere in this scene even if you don't see me. (Bragging intensifies...)

I'm the PLR seller's PLR seller. (Still bragging... but you asked for it...)

If you're still unsure, there's a wall of testimonials further down this page. 'Nuff said.

But Enough About Me... What Matters Is That You Can See The PLR Goldmine Right In Front Of You!

The PLR niche is a VERY LUCRATIVE niche. Can you see the profit potential?

There are thousands of searches for PLR every month! Several of the best selling products on ClickBank, JVZoo and Warrior+ are in this niche.

This niche is definitely a winner!

To tap into this HIGHLY PROFITABLE PLR niche, you must have content and a solid grasp of the fundamentals.

Not any old, boring content but INFORMATIVE, PERSUASIVE and ENTERTAINING content.

Good content is king and you need lots of it.

Want to build authority? You need good content.

Want your site to rank for a variety of keywords? You need good content.

Want to provide value and build trust and loyalty with your readers? YES! EXACTLY! You need good content.

To profit in this niche, you MUST have first-rate content. It's that basic...

But Here's The Hard Truth...

Most online marketers who try to profit in this niche will end up failing and not make a single cent.

There are several reasons for this but it all boils down to one thing. They don't have enough good content.

Creating content is hard work. Writing is time-consuming, draining and just no fun.

You got online to make money without struggling for hours daily. The last thing you want to do is bang away at the keyboard from morning to night like a deranged writer.

What you need is pre-written content that you can just take, edit a little... and copy and paste on your blog.

Now, you could spend weeks doing boring research and writing it all yourself... OR...

You could pay a freelancer $20 an article and cough up hundreds of dollars just to have content which in most cases won't even be that great.

"But What Choice Do I Have, Arun?"

I thought you'd never ask!

See... I don't like blowing my own horn but since you asked, let me be frank with you.

When it comes to PLR content, I'm one of the best in the business. I don't outsource the writing to third rate hacks. All the PLR I release is written by me.

That Kermit image you saw above... That's me in disguise.

And... I understand your pain. I know how hard it is to write content when you don't have the time or the skills. It is frustrating and depressing.

So, the question now is...

"What Are The Successful Marketers Doing That The Rest Aren't?"

Two words - They're providing valuable content and pre-selling their readers.

But wait, Arun... that's more than 2 words. I knoooow... I was just checking to see if you were paying attention!

With the content that you get in this package, you'll have a ton of useful information that visitors to your site are looking for.

All you need to do is sprinkle your affiliate links to related PLR products and you're good to go.

People come online to look for information and they'll gladly read the content on your site/blog because these articles are written in an informative and entertaining way to keep your readers hooked.

Your readers will look to you as an authority in the niche. They'll like you, trust you and buy from you. It's that simple.

No brainstorming required.


No struggling to write pages and pages of content. Avoid the torture.


No quitting halfway because it's just too tiring to keep up with the content demands.

No spending hours on mind-numbing research.


Stop spending all your free time in front of the computer. Yawn.


No outsourcing. Reduce your costs and boosts your profits!

50 'PLR On PLR: From Beginner To Pro' Articles

These Articles are Perfect for PLR Buyers, PLR Sellers, Bloggers, Affiliates or Anyone Who is In the 'Make Money Online' Niche...

  • Use the articles as blog posts or post them on your Facebook pages, etc.
  • Repurpose the PLR content to create slideshow videos on YouTube to drive traffic to your site.
  • Use the articles as free email course to build reader loyalty and establish authority.
  • Create lead magnets with the content and use them to build your list... Or sell them!
  • Compile the articles into an ebook and sell it for $10 to $17.
  • Populate your private blog network (PBN) sites with the content.
  • Use the content to promote affiliate offers on ClickBank and Amazon and make commissions.
  • Repurpose the content and turn it into an audio book.
  • Offer an “Article of the Week” feature on your blog using the content in this package.
  • Rewrite the articles and use them as guest posts or post them on niche forums.
  • Gain more authority by using the content to answer questions on sites like Quora, Yahoo Answers, etc.
  • And so much more!

You Have 2 Choices Now...

It's crunch time, partner...

This is where the pedal hits the metal and rubber meets the road.

You either struggle to create all the articles yourself or you get this package and save yourself a whole bunch of money and time... But you should be aware that...

Content creation is a pain in the a**!

I would know. You need to do the research, the writing, the formatting, the checking...

Just reading all of these makes me tired. You probably already fainted.

Wait, what? You're still conscious?

Great! 'Cos I've done it all for you!

Yes... I'm really that cool... and so are you, because you're probably going to buy this package.

If you do decide to pay someone else, you'll probably end up forking out $500 or more... and this is a very moderate estimate.

You can expect to spend more in both money and time.

Dealing with freelancers can be a real hassle. Even Freddy Krueger has nightmares about them.

If you do decide to do it yourself, that's cool... but the time and effort spent on the research, writing, editing, proofreading, etc. will almost put you in an early grave.

During this time you could have already made money with these 'PLR ON PLR: From Beginner To Pro' articles (with private label rights).

I'm not going to hard sell you this package because the value speaks for itself... and I'm too cool to twist your arm just to get a sale.

I'll Just Give You One Last Reason Why You Should Get This Done-For-You Package Now!

The content is excellent!

The launch discount has ended and the price has gone up from $27 to $67.

Yet, people are still buying this package. It's really that good!

If you hired someone to write these articles for you, it would cost you more than five hundred dollars! In all honesty, mine will be better. Modesty, Arun! Please!

I'm not going to insult your intelligence by inflating the price ridiculously and slashing it down like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy.

The 'PLR On PLR: From Beginner To Pro' Package is worth every cent. Get it now while the price is still low.



[YES] Can be edited and modified in any way
[YES] Can be branded and sold as a report with personal use rights only (PDF)
[YES] Can put your name as the author
[YES] Can be used as eCourse and webinar material
[YES] May use the content on your site/blog
[YES] Can be used on article marketing sites
[YES] Can be translated to other languages
[YES] Can use the content to create and post videos on video sharing sites/blogs, etc.

[NO] Cannot claim copyright to the content since it is PLR
[NO] Cannot resell the packs
[NO] You may NOT sell or giveaway private label rights (non-transferable PLR)
[NO] Cannot be added to membership sites with resell and master resell rights
[NO] Cannot use my name as author

"Hey Arun, You Sure Talk Up A Storm... But Is Your PLR Any Good?"

Wait, what?

Did you just?... You didn't just...

HO! You did!

It's time to school you with some real keeping it straight talk right here.

Flaming Hot PLR Will...

  • Save You Time!

Creating content on your own can be so draining and time-consuming that the zombies on The Walking Dead will have more energy and a better social life than you.

  • Save You Money!

What? Some bloke is charging you $25 for a 500 word article. Tell him to take a hike with the zombies. Flaming Hot PLR can rival most freelancers who charge more than they're worth. Those oxygen thieves!

  • Make You Look Like an Authority!

You will gladly put your name to my PLR content. Don't believe me? Read the reviews below. Go ahead... I can wait.

  • Improve Your Sex Life!

Oh come on! Really? Yup! My PLR is that good!

Still Don't Believe Me? Check Out The Testimonials Below!

"Fine! Fine! I'll Get It! Could You Just End This Page?!!"

To Your Success,
Arun Chandran

P.S. The PLR training you get from these articles will show you how to generate an income with PLR, and if you promote other PLR products, the commission from just a couple of sales will cover the cost of this product. Now imagine 50 articles working for you to promote the most popular PLR products!

P.P.S. Go ahead and look around, because you won’t find so much well-written online marketing content at such an affordable price. Build authority, create reader loyalty and make affiliate commissions without the struggle. Order right now – and you too can grab a slice of this SUPER PROFITABLE niche!


Q: Any OTOs (one time offers), upsells, downsells, etc. ???
Just 2. The upgrade packages contain lead magnets and infographics.

Q: Is there a money back guarantee?
A: No... Not for this product or the upsells. My PLR is so good it doesn't need a guarantee. Wait, what? Exactly!

Q: Is your content better than what I would get from hiring a freelance writer?
A: I think it is. You could hire a freelancer and pay them anywhere from $20 to $50 to write just 1 article for you.

You’d probably end up paying north of $500 for 25 articles… and guess what? Mine will most probably be better.

Q: What are the rights for this package?
A: The rights are listed above. I’m not Judge Dredd to enforce these rights but I know you’ll abide by them ‘cos you’re cool that way.

Q: How can I get support?
A: You can email me directly at Arun @ or click here to contact me on my website.

Q: Are the images used copyright free?
A: Yes. All images are sourced from the public domain. So, no worries.

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