"Good News! This Is The Last Offer... I Promise!"
I've provided you the content to populate your blog/site. I've provided you lead magnets to build your list and drive traffic.
Now, I'm giving you infographics to make your blogs look beautiful and also drive traffic from social media sites.
These 10 BRAND NEW 'PLR On PLR Infographics' were created just for you!
If you went on Fiverr, you'd see that ordering just one infographic would set you back by $5.
What if you tried ordering 10 infographics?
Well, the price jumps to $52.50!!!
The gig provider will only do the design for you.
You're supposed to do the research and come up with the points for them to use in the infographic. Imagine that!
You're paying more and doing more work.
Just based on this alone, I'm not going to rattle on.
I'll just tell you how these infographics will benefit your marketing and how you can use them.
That's it. I never thought I'd use this phrase but... It's a "NO BRAINER!"
Just look at one of the infographics below.
(All infographics in JPG & PDF format only.)
(All infographics in JPG & PDF format only.)
- Facebook: Share these on your page to get likes and social shares. The infographics may go viral and lead to increased traffic to your site.
- Instagram: Tons of traffic here too.
- Twitter: Your infographic may get hundreds of retweets.
- Your blog/site: A picture is worth a thousand words and these infographics will draw attention.
- Pinterest: The infographics will get repinned and draw traffic to your web property.
[YES] Can use on your blogs, sites, etc.
[YES] Can upload on social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.
[YES] Can print out infographics for offline use
[NO] Cannot give away or sell the infographics (non-transferable PLR)
[NO] Can be added to membership sites with resell and master resell rights
(All infographics in JPG & PDF format only.)